Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Doing It!

      It's been a minute since I've blogged anything so I decided I'd come back with a little something to reintroduce myself!  First off--HAPPY TUESDAY!  Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, Happy Thanksgiving, and all the in-betweens since the last time I posted anything.  Since my last post, I have had surgery, my son has had surgery, I've had a birthday and I've competed in my first bodybuilding competition.  I didn't place how I wanted, 4th--dead last but meh.  My next competition is coming up in April so I'm now again in prep season for that.  I think this time around I'll do a lot better...at least I hope I will anyway.

     Next month, I will have been working for the YMCA for 2 years and I'm becoming a bit bored with it.  It's easy part-time work but for sure it's not a lot of brainwork included.  I did get another job within the Y as the AOA Coordinator--planning activities and trips for the seniors.  But again--not a lot of brainwork included.  I applied to this one place that seems to be an afterschool program and I'm supposed to have a phone interview this afternoon so we will see how that goes.  I was offered another job but the hours begin at 5 AM but I can't take it because I don't have anyone to take the kids to school in the mornings.  

     To be honest, I would like to go back to school for interior design.  I have student loans that I'm already trying to pay back and it is overwhelming.  In the past year, so many things have happened and it how I handle all of it remains to be seen.  Send your prayers and well wishes my way.


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