Friday, September 13, 2013

I Have Had Some Rough Days

This post is so befitting with day being Friday the 13th and all. 
With that said,we have all had rough days right?  Of course we have!  Why if everyday we went through were all peaches and cream we wouldn't look forward to a brand new day.  Everyday needs to be different in order for us to appreciate the next one.

For a while, I was having rough days, weeks, even months!  I hated having to get up and go to the place that I had once really enjoyed going to because I knew once I got there I would be under constant scrutiny wondering, "Is today the day the 'devil' says something to me that makes me snatch her bald?  Is today the day that I can't take it anymore and just go off the deep end?  Is today finally the day where I just say fuck it all beat the shit out of her, give her a piece of my mind and walk the hell out?"  Those would have been all gratifying in the moment but the consequences to follow were not worth it.  Every single day Lord keep me in the right frame of mind. Give me peace that will get me through yet another day.  And at night I thanked Him for doing just that.

I often called in sick because I would become physically sick to my stomach knowing that I had to go to a place and be in the same space, (her cubicle was right on the other side of mine) with this chick for at least seven hours of my day.  Ugh!  There was such a lack of interest on my part of having to be there.  Whenever I saw her car in the parking lot my entire body would cringe at knowing that she would be in the same building with me.  I didn't want to hear her voice, I didn't want to see her face, I did not want her presence around.  The ONLY thing that made me continue to deal with the stress and drama that went on at the work place was knowing that I had to pay a monthly tuition for my child to continue to go to the school is still attending.  

I couldn't understand what had I done to be punished.  I was even willing to leave my job that I had been happy at for the last eight years and go a distance of 45 minutes OUT of my way in order to not be around her!  I live a mere 5 minute walk from my job and a 5 minute drive from my daughter's school to get away from this chick.  I couldn't breathe or pass gas without it being documented against me.  I felt as though I was trapped after she wasn't able to transfer to another place and after she had written me up. After that, I became ineligible to transfer anywhere else for six months.  I was trapped with her and her nonsensical dramatics that not only took a toll on me but brought the morale down for my department.  I felt as though no one was listening to my plea for help and that they thought the situation would get better.  

The thing about it is, I already knew how I felt about her and how she felt about me BEFORE she became my supervisor and I tried to speak to upper management about the situation before anything could transpire with her being my supervisor...No one listened, therefore, there were issues that came up and sparked major controversy that I won't elaborate on.

I had to deal with this woman for two years and about six months of those two years she was my immediate supervisor.  I really had a obvious disdain for her and I felt that my prayers had been answered on the day she sent the email stating that she was leaving, not only our workplace but the state entirely!  

Had I been tested by God to see if I would indeed seek Him out for His help.  Although I had many stormy months, He showed me that there is a rainbow after the storm.  There is a plate waiting with peaches and cream waiting for me to indulge in after a hard day.

I have a new supervisor who is quite understanding, easy to work with and very fair when it comes to working with individuals who come from a different background.  He's very smart and a lot of fun to work for.  He is just learning a lot about being a supervisor and how to deal with things...he is willing to admit that he is 'just learning' and isn't trying to push his work off onto others that work for and with him.  He is willing to take on new tasks that he has never been introduced to feet first.  I am glad to work with someone who IS a team player and not one that is trying to get recognized for efforts that they've done by stepping on someone's back to get to get that recognition.

I mention all of these things in this particular post to say that it was definitely a lesson learned.  Some days will be rough but you cannot let those days be a precursor to the following day.  I had to learn that.  I'm still sorting this out because it is very easy to let  one day carry over into the next.  You have to look at that statement through all facets of life.  Be it with your husband, wife, lover, children, family friends, coworkers, etc. We have to thank God for the everyday lessons that He teaches us in hopes that we will be able to look at the next day differently.  We need to take the lessons learned and recognize that the issue just isn't worth getting worked up over.  I know this next statement is cliche' but it is so true.  If God brought you to it, He will bring you through it!  

So many people have not learned to live for the day and moments that are given to us.   Most people (including myself sometimes) often forget tomorrow is NOT promised to any of us.  Yes, today was not as good as I would've liked it to be, but by golly, if I live to see the how I will set it off!  Don't let one bad day get you down, if you live and nothing happens, enjoy what's in store for you tomorrow.

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