Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day Number Three

Well, today is my first blog entry, but my daughter's third day of school.  I am so happy that my daughter is old enough to actually go to school now, but that's my baby!  I was such a mother and cried!  Months prior to the first day, I was pumping myself up saying, "I will not cry in front of her.  I will NOT cry in front of her!"  I did good because I didn't cry in front of her.  I  waited until I got in the car.  And I didn't actually cry, I just welled up.  I got up extra early (even though I stayed up until after 2:30 am) to get her dressed and started on her way.  She was just as excited to get going and embrace her new venture in her life even if I wasn't exactly ready to let her go.  I know you're probably thinking I'm one of those mothers who don't want to let their kids go but I'm really not. 

My daughter is four soon to be five and it's a very exciting milestone in her life, but it's just that my baby is growing up and she doesn't have to depend on me for EVERYthing and that is awesome!  I took her to school and she looked like such a big girl in her uniform and backpack along with her brand new lunch box in hand.  She looked a bit nervous when I took her inside her class but she quickly warmed up and smiled as she waved good-bye to me!  Once she stood in that single line with her classmates smiling, I knew she would be just fine!

When I picked her up that afternoon she had all kinds of new things to tell me about her day and was ready to go the next day!  I knew at that point that we both would be just fine with her transition from daycare to kindergarten!  Wish us luck in the days to come. 

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you are blogging. I believe that you are not the first Mother to have to endure separation anxiety. I believe you and Mya D. will indeed survive and find that you both have grown up well someday. I am proud of you both.
