Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's Just Another Day?

I have decided to do with the coined response, "It's just another day."  Life is to short and too important to continue to go through the day like you are ENTITLED to another day when you absolutely are NOT!

I have noticed when people have a birthday and you wish them a happy one, they usually respond with, "It's just another day."  That's right, it is another day that you survived God's grace and mercy to see 'another day' or even another year for that matter.  There are so many people who have died not living at all!  Granted I don't get to do everything I want to do or go anywhere I want to go but by golly, I do whatever I can whenever I can!

My daughter and I have had some fun times during my husband's year deployment and we are definitely looking forward to him coming home safely within the next couple of weeks.  What if something had happened to him while away?  I would be so devastated!  How could I go on with the thought of knowing that my other half was gone forever, never to come back?  How many people have lost their loved ones who were fighting in the war, sitting in their homes watching tv, playing outside with friends, or just doing everyday, normal activities without making an impact on someone's life or touching someone's life in some way.

It really is true that you have to live everyday to the fullest and live everyday like it's your last because no one knows the time and day that their life will end.  No matter how much you plan for the future it's just not gauranteed that you will live long enough to see what comes of it.  With that being said, live your life!  Enjoy the precious gifts offered to you everyday in the forms of the setting sun, birds singing by your window, loud thunder storms, a melting ice-cream cone, hey...even the honk of a car's horn.

I know this message is cliche' ridden, but it's so true.  Sometimes I sit and I wonder what a person thinks when they are told they only have six months, three months, or one week to live.  Do they sit down and sulk?  Try and make the best of the time they have left?  Wonder, "What if I had only spent more time with my family?"  What would you do if you knew the date and time that your life would expire?  Marvel over that for a while and then answer.  What would I do if I had Just Another Day?

Enjoy the time that you're in right now.  Don't waste your todays on tomorrows because they just aren't promised to you.  Love long, live happy, enjoy your day!

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