Friday, August 19, 2011

Our First Week is Almost Complete

In just a few hours, I will be going to pick up my daughter from school...the fifth time this week!  We have survived the first week of many more weeks to come!  This week has really been a week of definite transition!  Last week, my 4 year old daughter was in daycare one in which she has been in ever since she turned six weeks old.  That in itself was a great transition.  While in daycare, she got a hot cooked meal everyday, a two hour nap, playtime with toys, tv time, as well as some simple lessons (counting, shapes, colors, reading, writing, & crafts), and she even got to sleep until 7:30 am before having to get up and dressed to start her day.  This week was totally different for the both of us!  I have been getting up at 6 am--6:15 at the latest to get myself ready and get her breakfast ready (which her daycare provider would provide for her), get her dressed, hygiene handled, hair combed, backpack ready, and all this no later than 7:45 am.

It has really been a great transition though because most of her getting ready happens at night.  She takes her bath, I get her lunch packed and iron her clothes and she's pretty much set for the next day with all those tasks out of the way!  I especially enjoy that she isn't taking her usual two hour nap because bed time goes a lot smoother!  By the time 8:30 pm rolls around and we get everything done, she's ready for bed and when she gets there she's out like a light in 5-10 minutes!  Before, I would have to tell her several times to go to sleep and at 12 she's still looking at me asking, "What time are you going to bed Mommy?"  It seems that those are all days of the past, thanks to kindergarten.

I Love Kindergarten!!!  It rocks!!!  And yes, this is from the same woman who was crying earlier this week because her baby was growing up.

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